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Delaware, United States
Deborah Hawkins, penned Debra Renée Byrd, began writing after a blank book project in elementary school and never stopped, fashioning stories based on her favorite TV shows and movies before creating more original works. She studied at the University of the Arts and Florida State University before settling down and graduating from Temple University. She now resides in her hometown of Dover, DE, where she spends most of her time at work or at church. She loves fantasies, superheroes, is a trekkie and a brown coat. She loves television and lives for Final Fantasy video games, having collected most of them. She has read a myriad of authors, and her favorite authors change whenever she finds a new book that changes her life... "When you can't run, you crawl. When you can't crawl...well, you know the rest." -Tracey, Firefly, "The Message"

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Friday, May 2, 2014

Mother, MAY I?

See what I did there? hehe

Hello, everyone! Happy May! Who survived the A to Z Challenge? How did it go?

As I said, my April was busy. I somehow got cast as Mary Magdalene in my church's Easter play, so I had rehearsal every Thursday night. My Pastor is also getting elevated to an Apostle, so we've had rehearsals for that Tuesday nights. Then, I had to get ready for my choir's anniversary cruise to Key West & Cozumel! So that entailed cleaning and packing. Phew!

I went to Key West & Cozumel two cruises ago, so I didn't take too many pictures, but I had fun with most of the people I went with. lol Mexico stole my driver's license. How did that happen, you say?

Well, it started when I was swimming in the water, enjoying myself and the fish that were swimming around. We decided to step on this rock, which actually looked like a petrified turtle when I stared down at it, when a gust of wind burst through, carrying what also felt like burning debris. (In hindsight, I'm pretty sure the sea shack on the shore had set the grill on fire and turned on the emergency fan.) As this happened, our pianist's towel went flying through the air, followed by what we realized were my pants. Later, I would replay in my mind that my ID and Carnival Sail & Sign card had been the tiny objects I saw falling out of them. But in the moment, someone got my pants and laid them back out where they were.

I didn't realize my cards were gone until we were preparing to get back on the boat, where I almost had a nervous breakdown because I had no idea how I was going to get home. One of our tenors helped me get back onto the ship, where I got a new Sail & Sign card, and Guest Services printed me a photo ID so I could get home. I got frisked in the airport, but all was well.

Key West had the best weather, being not too hot and overcast, so I didn't burn up. You miss it dearly when you come home to 50-degree rainy weather. But as we say, April showers bring May flowers. So, let's get to it!

This is longer than I meant. But anyway, I did acquire one beta reader for RUBY before I left. There was a mix-up in communication, though, so hopefully I hear back from him soon. I'm currently working on getting another, so I'm excited and ready to get back into the swing of things.

See you guys next week! :)


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Welcome back! You had a busy month. Sorry you lost your ID. I would've been in a bit of a panic as well.

Heather R. Holden said...

Wow, you're not kidding about April being busy for you! That really sucks about your ID, though. That would've stressed me out so much!

Also, how exciting about the beta-reader. Good luck finding a second one!